The "New Order" liberates

It was our right to protect our civilization from
the cowardly attack by the forces of evil.

And not only that. We had not only the right but the obligation
to do so for purely humanitarian, liberating reasons,

as explained by the philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy
in his interview to SPIEGEL (49/2001 - 03.Dezember 2001):

"My generation has imposed a great principle to international law:
the right to interfere. This right has recently authorized three
liberation wars in Bosnia, Kosovo and now Afghanistan.
Our children must go further and turn the right into a duty".

Good thing

we were given the philosophical explanation of Mr Levy.

We attacked Afghanistan not to punish
the Afghans, as I naively thought.

We went there to liberate them!

We have done them a service.

They must be very foolish if they have
not understood it. And ungrateful too.

The humanitarian bombing and then the liberating
soldiers must have been received with great gratitude.

We had to liberate the Afghans from the
tyrannical regime in which they lived.

Who supported the Taliban for years,
in their control of the Afghan people,
that's another story.

Now, if our humanitarian action
happened to be followed by an increase
of the index, what can we do?

We didn't try to increase the index.
We tried to liberate the Afghans.

It must be pure coincidence.

Many strange coincidences happen in life.

Someone would naturally want to associate

the increase of the index with the increased activity
caused by the war, not only in the weapons and
ammunition industry but in general.

From the plastics industry

(increased demand for condoms,
elastic bandages and body bags)

to construction of any kind, since the infrastructure of the liberated country

(roads, bridges, networks, factories,

disappears completely

(it seems that liberation is not possible
without complete destruction of the
country's infrastructure),

and must be rebuilt from scratch.

Can you imagine a better opportunity
to develop our economy?

Just a pity that this gain for the
index did not seem to last long.

It dissipated rapidly.

Indeed, we had a very nice rise until the first months of 2002,
but after that we fell back to the misery of descent, which in
the autumn of 2002 led us to much lower values than before
the beginning of the Afghanistan liberation.

If there is any relationship between
a war of liberation and the progress of the index,
wouldn't it be better if the land to be freed is
not so "bony"?

Afghanistan has only stones.

"You can't get blood out of a stone"!

Where will Afghanistan find the money
for the reconstruction of its ruined
infrastructure to boost our economy?

If we liberated a more "juicy" country?

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