Self-evident truths

On what bases should a society
be built, and what should guide us?

For this question, you know, there have
been numerous proposals so far.

It is not the purpose of this text to analyse these
proposals and find the best and most workable.

Just so that we begin to think about it ourselves,
I would suggest setting two goals.

To consider that our actions must be
directed to the following two axioms:

1.      The human species should continue to exist and evolve.

2.      Each person should spend his life on earth happily.

Axioms need no justification.
They are self-evident.

But if you absolutely insist that I justify them,
I would say for the first one: that it is necessary.

Because the solution that our species becomes
extinct is no solution and because the development
that this species has made until now has been so
stunning that it would be very interesting to see
how this progress continues.

For the second axiom the justification is just as easy too:
everybody prefers to be happy instead of unhappy, and
the same should apply to everyone.

Based on these two axioms we can find
the solution for any problem that exists,
and any problem that might arise.

Of course it is not entirely clear, and we need to discuss the meaning
of "happy" in the second axiom and the meaning of "evolve" in the first.

Let's start from the first axiom and the concept of evolution.

I think we can agree that we have the right to call progress the change
that took place in our species (since we began to use our hands and our
brains to find more food and to obtain greater security) with the "positive
associations" that this term has.

We showed a continuous improvement in our attitude
towards the other species, the environment and nature.

This development is
the fruit of our labour.

It hasn't been donated
to us by somebody.

Neither did it fall into
our lap by accident.

We have worked at it with
our hands and our brains.

And more especially with the latter.

It was a completely different evolution
from the evolution of the other species.

There you have to wait till a good attribute appears by
chance (among the thousands of bad qualities, which
also continually appear randomly) and then becomes
established through natural selection.

This is a very good way for development,
I can't say the contrary. You see all the
species around you that evolved just with
that method. But it takes a very long time.

Some million years.

We reversed the rules of the game.

We did not wait for the influence
of the environment upon us,
we influenced the environment.

We made decisions that changed
the situation and improved our
position much more quickly.

A thousand times faster.

We moved from the order
of millions of years to the
order of thousands of years.

We made inventions.

Inventions that allowed us to achieve
the same result (to produce the same
products), with less effort and less work.

But by working less we had the time to think more,
that is, make more inventions to reduce even further
our work, so that we think even more ...

       But this is a vicious circle!
This is the cause of our population explosion.
The cause of all evil is our ingenuity.

Indeed it is so. The population
explosion is due to our ingenuity.

Now is the time, if we still remain rational beings, to
stop the explosion and bring our population into balance.

For this purpose the second axiom will help us.

The first axiom, which determines evolution, gave
us the start, the rising leg of the population curve.

The second, which requires happiness
for all people, will lead us into balance.

Just that here again we have an ambiguity:
what is happiness?

The ancient philosophers (such as Epicurus, for example)
were concerned with such questions and each presents a
different opinion. If we look now at the analysis of these views,
we will be hopelessly entangled, and this would contribute
nothing to our purpose.

So, let us see things
in the simplistic method
we used so far.

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